Promotional and audio text lotteries


Promotional and audio text lotteries

Lotteries are nowadays one of the most successful techniques of sales support. Being a massive consumer activity they reach a wide target audience and can activate the maximum number of individuals. Result? Building brand identification and loyalty among clients.

Promotional lotteries, especially audiovisual ones constitute a perfect form of entertainment for clients and bring about a chance to win prizes in exchange for a relatively insignificant activity. For companies it is an interesting form of promotion, thanks to which one can acquire new clients as well as stronger attachment of regular clients to the brand, what always results in higher sales.

Planning and organization
of promotional and audio text lottery

Planning and organization
of promotional and audio text lottery

We have successfully completed many projects involving sales and sales support with lottery elements.
We perfectly know promotional lottery as well as audio text lottery mechanics,
and thus we recommend solutions ideally suited for companies, client expectations, as well as market requirements.
We treat each client individually and adjust all aspects of the planned lottery to their requirements making it a part of consistent promotional strategy.
Our team of specialists guarantees a complex service for all kind of lotteries at each stage of the project handling.

Our team of specialists will take care of:


  • developing a lottery concept suited for the company and its target group
  • selecting the most effective methods of the planned lottery
  • working out dedicated mechanics allowing for efficient lottery management

We offer the following services in scope of organized promotional or audio text lottery:

  • we provide support for developing regulations and handling legal formalities,
  • we make the catalog, purchase and deliver rewards,
  • we process complaints and returns,
  • we give access to the information system registering entries and conducting drawings,
  • we provide an extended IT platform with dedicated modules for communication, rewards catalog management and activity status reporting.

Email us

Call (22) 201 24 56
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Motivation Direct Sp. z o.o.

02-607 Warszawa, ul. Czeczota 31

tel +48 22 201 24 56

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